It has been a long long time since I read The Hobbit.
But, I do remember one thing..I loved Bilbo Baggins. I love his name, I even named my first dog after him. I also remember that he loved his little home in the tree..but as much as he loved his home..he loved adventures. And it seemed that he was always pulled away from his comfortable hole in the tree to go on an adventure. And now, I feel like Bilbo. I understand you..Bilbo.
I love my home, I love my job and yet am pulled toward any adventure. This new adventure is moving to Berlin. Tom and I have jobs there for the next two years, so off we go.
It seemed so exciting a few months ago when we first got the job offer. It still is, but now that I am facing only days left at school I am sad. I will miss these kids, and the teachers too. I forgot about that part of leaving..the sadness and letting go of the familiar.
I also realize that things will go on just fine without me. Kind of a harsh reality..but they will.
So..on we go to Berlin. We have jobs, apartment, contracts signed, health care and even all the furnishings for our new little love nest.
Here is a link to where my new school is located. JFK International School in Berlin.