Oh Portugal!!!

At times I felt like I was a character in a fantasy novel, with outlandish gardens, Moorish castles, walled cities, and gothic buildings all making up the landscape of Portugal.

Breakfasts at the pensions were easy. I usually would join other travelers for breakfast and nice talks about our travels and travel plans.
I often stopped at small little cafe's for a hot cheese sandwich and then grabbed fruit at a nearby fruit stand. I cound not resist the sweets in this country. I passed on the 2 sugar packets with coffee, but oh those custart tarts!

I was ready to travel alone, or so I thought. I was so surprised at myself..how lonely I got and how much I yearned just to talk to someone or have someone say hello to me. But was a good thing to do I think. I learned that I can figure things out on my own..that I can slow down and savor the sights, the food and the sounds. I can lug a suitcase up 5 flights of stairs, up one flight of stairs sideways, up a steep cobblestone road to a walled city, and up the st

So..or zooh..as they say in Germany..I am proud of myself and proud of my suitcase as well.
Some things I discovered on this trip:
- I like to talk to people..and am happier sharing my adventures with someone
- Portugal is very clean
- Portugal is safe..except for the poor lady I met who had 3.000 eu. stolen from her purse..it was her first trip since she and her husband retired..I didn't have the heart to ask her why oh why she carried so much cash and a purse too..
- I love my travel backpack with secret money spot..don't ask me where it is..
- Religious supply stores are a great place to explore
- Street performers are the best! I always give them money..especially the blind accordian player by my hotel in Porto
- Even the oldest pensions had wireless..so I could use my netbook most places which was nice..and I listened to Pema Chodren each morning
- I didn't bring enough books..but the pensions would have books..and I wonder why the books left were so bad..I mean really bad..
- Hop on hop off busses are a great and cheap way to see the city
- Obrigado means thank you (male) and I said it wrong gender for a week..then figured it out
- I missed my husband
- It cost more to board my dog in Germany than my lodging in Portugal