Sunday, September 14, 2008

Seize the Day

Today I was going through some books and found a book I bought Greta when she was about 11 I think. This is the first poem in the book. Isn't this our wish for our daughters?

Seize The Day
By Judith Ortiz Cofer

Remember to wake early and take your time in rising.

Enter the world refreshed by the hope

emitted by each atom of light,

by the bird who must sing at the sight

of the sun. Does he pity us humans,

who can choose not to break into song

at dawn?

Look for small revelations all day.

Let water heal your body. Think of bathing

as a ritual of new beginnings.

Step outside and breathe deeply.

Take in the smells

of life, good and foul. Remember

this day is a gift.

Be surprised by nature

that shares your world of giant steps.

The bug that irks you,the yellow butterfly

that catches your eye,

and the furred thing with sharp teeth

that repels you – are all in your moment

of history.

Concentrate on living hour by hour as if

you were feeding coinsinto a meter

measuring your life.

Here is this hour,

and you have already paid for it.

Love your work, and enjoy your play.Remember,

there is little lasting joy in things done

only for gold or fame.Without love

your spirit will be a flower

picked without purpose

and thrown on the ground to be trampled by anyone.

Have a place and a time

to sit with your thoughts.

Pray before sleep, or read a great poem.

Sacred words will clear your crowded mind.

Remind yourself to speak Spanish

before you go into the dark.

Greet you ancestors

in our native tongue, let them guide you

to the place of your origin, an island in the sun,

our home now only in our dreams. Say noche,

say amor, say suenos.

Welcome the night. Good sleep

is your body’s mending time. In its sweet release,

the fires of worry and anger will be subdued;

and in dreams you may learn to fly above any blaze,

and let your secret self float free

above a new world.

You must imagine and learn to embrace

each and every day.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Why I Love My Sisters..

I am starting a new series..Why I love...The first why I love is this one..why I love my sisters. start with..what isn't there to love. Besides being my numero uno pals they are my

I can honestly say that the rug was pulled from under me this summer. Facing my daughter's diagnosis of brain cancer (whaaaat??) I remember moments of pure dread and panic. I remember sitting on a curb outside a coffee shop in Missoula one morning before her surgery. I called Pat and cried and wondered why it wasn't me facing this illness. Not Greta..
Not my daughter. Within hours Pat and her husband, Jon, were on their way to Missoula. I didn't ask them..they just came. They quietly cared for us. Just having them near was a comfort. Penny (my other sis) called and offered words of hope..I didn't even have the strength to answer her calls..but she kept calling. When Greta came home from the hospital there was a card waiting for her from Penny. Besides words of love and cheer was a check to help her through
the summer. I will never ever ever ever forget
their love for me this summer. No..never ever.