Well....to start with..what isn't there to love. Besides being my numero uno pals they are my
I can honestly say that the rug was pulled from under me this summer. Facing my daughter's diagnosis of brain cancer (whaaaat??) I remember moments of pure dread and panic. I remember sitting on a curb outside a coffee shop in Missoula one morning before her surgery. I called Pat and cried and wondered why it wasn't me facing
Not my daughter. Within hours Pat and her husband, Jon, were on their way to Missoula. I didn't ask them..they just came. They quietly cared for us. Just having them near was a comfort. Penny (my other sis) called and offered words of hope..I didn't even have the strength to answer her calls..but she kept calling. When Greta came home from the hospital there was a card waiting for her from Penny. Besides words of love and cheer was a check to help her through
the summer. I will never ever ever ever forget
their love for me this summer. No..never ever.
Oh Pammy,
You make me cry - you would have done the same thing, but more. Thanks for your heart of appreciation, it does mean the world to me, because you mean the world to me. Keep on loving and above all, laugh with gusto everyday.
SIsty ug,
it takes a great sister to have great sisters; you have what you are. It was a treat to meet one of your sisters (Pat) camping... what a great summer to have spent some of it with the rybuses.
Wow, what a wonderful thing to read. I am Pat, the other sister. Pam failed to mention how she has stood with me during my times of joy and sorrow. I have a book of 28 "Chemo Cards", one each week during my chemo journey. Pam came to Mexico City with me to pack up after the sudden death of my husband, Warren. What about the time after Warren's death: the kayak trip, the walks and runs, the embraces and shoulder to lean on. I will never forget the words Pam spoke at Warren's memorial service. The little I did during Greta's illness was just a little thing.
Penny and blessed to be Pam's sisters!
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