Yesterday was a fun day. First grade students in Germany take part in a ceremony called einschulung. It is a kind of welcome ceremony from kindergarden into first grade. Tom and I went and enjoyed the energy of the day. Proud parents and students filled the theater. The second graders sang to the first graders, the new teachers welcomed
them and they all got a cone full of candy. (to sweeten their transition into the world of school) We then walked to his school for champagne.
Tom's school is in the neighborhood called Mitte. It is full of sights, and really I cannot begin to describe it. Just on his school's block are a few art galleries (way funky) a wine shop in a celler, an organic store, and a few photo galleries. There is also a Thai restaurant, Itallian, Indonesion, Kosher, get the idea. Tom doesn't take his lunch to school any more.
This scary picture is of an upcoming exhibition...I am not sure about this..
On the left are photographs on a brick fence..Greta would like this..
The students have lined up their rubber boots outside their classroom at Berlin Metropolitin School. Always have quick access to rubber boots here in Berlin!
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