It is early morning in Berlin. Tom just left to walk to the doctor for his infected finger. (a remnant of his Nepal trip) and her I am alone in our apartment. Mornings are brutal here..for some reason I wake up sad, lonely, with images of mountains, friends and family. It doesn't take long for me to shake the sadness as I walk to work in the snow. It is a quiet time for me and I am amazed that I still can hear birds chirp as I walk throught the gardens near our home. 

For two weeeks I woke up with glee. Greta was here! We jumped into Berlin life for two weeks and now I am left with the memories. My fondest memory is a simple one..Greta and me cooking in the kitchen. And why not?..that is what our family does best..we cook and laugh together. I remember stopping and looking around at the herbs, spices, coconut milk and meat and just smiling..But there was more to her vacation than cooking and I think we were at restaurants more than we were at home. Berlin has some fine dining. Here is a recap of my memories of her visit...

- The three hour train ride..oops five hour train ride to Rostock go to Christmas market..It was freezing cold..train trip took 2 hours longer and the market..was um..er...like a giant bad carnival..but Greta got some great photos.
- A walk aroung a nearby lake ..snow on the ground and us trying to keep warm as we walked around the lake in the mist
- Coffee..lots of coffee
- Train rides..lots of train rides
- Thanksgiving with friends from Japan and a student at my school..
- Greta exploring Berlin on her own..
- Finding ramen noodle shop in Mitte and tea house
That is just a sampling of the memories I am left with..and I am sure she has many more too. Hurry back Greta!!
Great post about a great trip! I loved every moment. I want to come back ASAP!!
(That was me who left the anonymous comment).
Don't forget the museums and the cool neighborhoods. You live in a great city.
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