It is perfect weather here in
Berlin. The trees are green and full of blossoms and who would have thought that this city could have so many song birds? Tom and I enjoyed our walk today through the green park land near our home. As usual, our talks seem to focus on our new reality.
A friend (with cancer) described having a serious illss as a new reality. And indeed it is. Actually there have been two new realities for us. First, the intial diagnosis (in German) which included dealing with the medications and new (and, we hope, temporary) limitations. on Tom's life. 
And now four weeks since he was discharged from the hospital another new reality. He has longer to wait for the procedure to shock his heart into rhythm and he cannot take the vacation we planned for the summer. (Turkey) But as Tom says..after disappointment comes acceptance. So we are dealing with a longer wait and the possibility of three heart procedures, rather than one. One for sure one is to shock it into rhythm. The other two are possible: to implant a device called Automaic Implantable Cardio-Defibrillator, and to do a biopsy to see if a virus caused the problem in the first place. We were not aware of the possiblity of the later two procedures basically because we couldn't read the document from the hospital. New realities! But, at least he can ride his bike now..but slowly.
The quality of health care here has been wonderful. Tom hated the hospital stay..but the 90 euro bill for 9 days there astounded us. It was so nice not having to worry about the medical procedures' cost when we had other worries. It is just such a huge releif. His medication has been almost free too..which is amazing, since he is taking 6 medications. We love his home doctor. Her office is two blocks from our apartment and she has called Tom after hours and even met with us in the evening to explain eve
rything. She is kind, nurturing, and careful.
Tom's friends have provided support, positive thoughts and laughter. We needed some positive comments after what the German doctors were telling us. (they can be blunt!) Here are some of my favorite comments:
You are the most unlikely man I know to come down with ticker problems, I know how scary and debilitating they can be. It grabs you by the balls and gets your full attention. Makes for a big change in your life actions, thoughts and plans. Some have said it makes you act your age, but I think it just focusses your thoughts on what is possible, difficult and impossible.
This is, while truly scary, somethng you recover from. Love is the highest of human emaotions and your vulnerability brought out so much love from all of your friends.
It is hard to believe you could be anything but healthy. You are on everyone's mind and in our hearts. 
Honestly I am at a loss for words. All I can say is I wil be thinking only the best of thoughts and sending all good energy to Tom and you as he goes through this treatment. Tom is a super strong guy and I have faith that he's got many more mountains to climb.
And then there is me and Greta, who adores Tom. We are loving each other big time..and looking forward to all being together the end of June when Greta will be here for 3 months.
Know that we appreciate our family and friends more than ever. Know that we are fine. Our spirits are good and we are enjoying Berlin. We look forward to new visitors the next few months. I wish I had more specifics to share, but the truth is that we ourselves do not know what is going to happen. So Tom is patiently following doctors orders (taking his meds, not running, staying out of the gym, only two to three beers a week) and keeping an incredibly positive outlook on things. I am proud of him!
Be strong my friends. As Pema Chödrön has said "To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest." Kinda sucks to feel completely awake this way...Love and hugs. your friend Sally
Pam and Tom,
I had missed this blog and want thank you for keeping me in the loop. First the scare with Greta now it is Tom.
I will sure lift up some prayers for all of you to remain strong in your love for each other. It seems like you are on the right track... keep doing the research and learning, knowledge is power in these cases and helps calm the fears.
Love to all of you,
This is such a loving thing to do. Thank you, Pam, for sharing... and for all that you do. Seeing you at school makes my day a better one. Thank you and all the strength in the world to both of you and to Tom's heart. XOXOX Claudia
Tom, I'm so sad to hear that your not feeling well. Just letting you know my thoughts are with you guys. Much love and Miss you both.
Much love. I'm sure you'll figure out some easy trips to take around home. I love the title of your blog, but we look forward to Tom's kind and healthy heart!
The Weinbergs
Well, Tommy, I think that thing they plan on implanting is the same gizmo Dick Cheney has. But, while the surgeons had to look and look to find what was left of Cheney's heart, they'll have no trouble finding that big old one of yours.
I look at your picture daily (you know, the one with McGee, Joel, you and I after Robie years ago) and think of you even more often. May joy soon reclaim its rightful place in your life.
All three of you are in my prayers and I'm sending you all the best from Cuenca. I too have been so thankful for my Cuban Drs and the kindness shown to me as I've been laid up... $5.00 Accupuncture/Neural Therapies from Dr. Orlando, free meds and even a free anthesiologist + attempted cortizone shot from Dr. Alfredo + friend. You three are so tight and lift each other up in good and challenging times. Tom is one of the strongest men I know and you 3 continue to inspire me. Much love and scratches to Spencer too.... What will he be up to next? Ha ha ha
Hugs to all,
You have enough heart for half the universe, keep it beating....
“The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.”
Jacques Benigne Bossue
Take gentle care,
laurie and steven
Dear hearts! You three have a wide world of friends and we are holding you in our hearts, knowing yours are full and healing. The foothills are greening up and the sheep are mauwing on the tender grass in the higher fields. I'll run one for you and send my prayers across the valley to wrap around you all. With much love, Lizard
Yikes. That is a complicated situation for you both. You have the support and love of so many of us! I know you'll be handling all this with your typical research, good humor, good food, and healthy philosophy. Hugs to you both.
Yikes. That is a complicated situation for you both. You have the support and love of so many of us! I know you'll be handling all this with your typical research, good humor, good food, and healthy philosophy. Hugs to you both.
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