"Movin' right along in search of good times and good news,
With good friends you can't lose,
This could become a habit!
Opportunity knocks once let's reach out and grab it (yeah!),
Together we'll nab it,"
Read more: Muppets - Moving Right Along Lyrics | MetroLyrics
After waiting a few days for the snow to stop we were finally able to start our journey south. Our weather window was Friday when it was supposed to clear up..but certainly not warm up. It was-10 when we pulled out of our driveway. It took about two hours for us to warm up..and honestly we were cold the entire way.
It wasn't such a bad drive. The roads were clear and it was sunny. It was nice to drive the last few days with Kay Seurat who is heading to Tucson Arizona. Last night we stayed in Ely, Nevada -4 when we went to bed but a warm 21 degrees when we awoke!

Tomorrow we will be in Organ Pipe National Monument close to the border crossing in Lukeville and a great campground. We will stock up with potable water and basic foods before we cross into Mexico on Monday.
Here is a picture of sweet Ruthie. She has had a hard time staying warm in the back of the van. All of our liquids froze back there so it wasn't very warm for her.
The other is Tom enjoying our Walmart meal! Seriously good!

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