Of course we were served dates, coffee, juice and water.
The signs say a lot I think. This censorship has a pretty powerful message. But my schools all censor th
My favorite tour was of the special needs school called The Help Center. Amazing program and amazing that not so long ago children with special needs just stayed at home and were the shame of the family. This is the only center which is a charity but is state of the art. I love the tooth brushes lined in a row. The picture on the left is the daily schedule..it is a calendar Saturday-Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are the weekend here..so you will see prayer for Friday.
Religion is everywhere. What do you notice about this advertisement? Yes, no face.
I am getting tired of not being free. I want to swim and go for a walk by myself. I put my toe in the red sea..but had to sneak away from the group to do it. Glad I didn't get caught.
Another great lunch.
The\Arab News had this article. An Arab friend told us that now George Bush will have his interviews only in a Mosque..because all remove their shoes before entering. A little Arab humor here. He is not a popular fella in this area. Most of the Arabs I talked to think that this reporter is in deep trouble. Throwing a shoe is the most disrespectful thing a person can do here. Plus, he ye
lled a pretty nasty comment. I have this article in both English and Arabic.
We left for airport and began wearing the abaya. I was glad to have it on, since everyone else was wearing one and the men all had thobes and hijab. Not that we weren't obvious westerners. \think the backpacks gave us away. Things are now different for us..as women we used a separate line to check luggage and also to get on the airplane. It seems so weird.
Jeddah seemed much more prosperous the Damman. Lots of public art..plus the Red Sea is a plus..
The hotel is amazing..ordered dinner in room and felt ever so lucky.
To all of this I say..suchran..thank you!!